2.7 → Bedeutung von Stauseen für die Wasserversorgung und Stromerzeugung – Ein Überblick

(Franz Nestmann & Clemens Stelzer)

2.7 → The importance of reservoirs for water supply and power generation – An overview

(Franz Nestmann & Clemens Stelzer)

The importance of reservoirs for water supply and power generation – An overview:

Reservoirs have a high level of multi-functionality. They are used for water supply, energy production, flood protection, ecological services and recreation. As a multi-purpose construction and drastic intervention into nature there are a lot of aspects to be accommodated in a highly responsible manner.

Due to growing populations and expanding economies, artificial reservoirs are necessary for storage and transport of water, in order to cover the continuous, anthropogenic demand for water from the non-continuous, natural water supply and to attain and preserve the fundamental human right for access to clean water.

Hydropower plays an important role in regenerative power generation in base load and especially in peak load times in the electricity network. Other benefits are the high degree of saturation, the highest efficiencies and high durability combined with low utilisation servicing costs.