Kapitel: 5 → Was soll getan werden?
5.4 → Nachhaltige Gebäudesanierung – ein Beitrag zum Klimaschutz und zur Wohngesundheit
Eberhard Hinz, Institut Wohnen und Umwelt, IWU
Stand 2008
Summary: Sustainable refurbishment – a contribution to climate protection and health
About one third of the endenergy consumption in Germany is used for heating and domestic hot water – with corresponding CO2-emissions and impacts for health. Average German buildings have an energy demand of about 20 liter oil/m² living area and year. So called »Passivehouses« need approximately 1.5 liter oil/m² living area and year. This is less than 10% of the average in the German building stock with corresponding low energy costs.
The very low energy demand is combined with a high comfort of living and an excellent thermal behaviour. This shows: sustainable refurbishment is a contribution for climate protection and humans health.
The precondition for a cost-effective energetic refurbishment is to combine the refurbishment measures with maintenance measures that have to be done anyway. By this additional costs for energetic refurbishment can be reduced considerably.
Today the »10-Liter-House« seems to be sustainable – cost effective, profitable for the investor and ecological justifiable. But taking into account the shortage of fossil energy sources and the ongoing climate changing it make sense to realise the standard of Passivehouses even in the energetic refurbishment of buildings.